CTET most important question in child Development & pedagogy paper 1

CTET most important question in Child Development  & pedagogy

The following are the some important questions of CTET of  paper-I go through the question and try to answer them before checking the answers at the bottom. Focus on all the information you have and note down the answer in a paper and at last check your answer. The most important try to answer all the questions within 30 minute. Set your timer and get set go

  1. In the progressive model of education as implemented by CBSE, socialization of children is done in such a way, so as to expect them to
    1. Give up time consuming social habits and learn how to score good grades
    2.  be an active participant in the group work and learn social skills
    3.  prepare themselves to in conform to the rules and regulation of society without questioning
    4. accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social background

  1. 14 year old Devika is attempting to develop a sense of herself as a separate, self governing individual. She is developing
    1. Hatred for rules
    2.  Autonomy
    3.  teenage arrogance
    4.  Maturity

  1. Following are the critical views about the ‘theory of multiple intelligence’, except
    1. It is not research based
    2.  different in intelligence demand different methods for different students
    3.  gifted students usually excel in a single domain
    4.  it lacks of empirical support

4.            The assessment of student can be used by teacher in teaching to develop insight into
    1. Identify the student who need to be promoted to the higher class
    2.  not promoting those students who do not meet School standards
    3.  changing the teaching approach according to the learners need
    4.  creating groups of bright and weak students in the class

5.            Which one of the following is not correct for the progressive model of 
          socialization of children?

              1.   Active participation in the group work and learning social skills
              2.     children accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social                          background
              3.     these should be a place for democracy in the classroom
              4.     socialization is an adaptation for social norms

6.            Fitting new information into existing scheme is known as
    1. Accommodation
    2.   Equilibration
    3.  Assimilation
    4.  organisation

7.            Which of the following  is a characteristic of kohlberg’s stage of normal development?
    1. Universal sequence of stages across full culture
    2.  stages proceed in a non hierarchic manner
    3. Variable sequence of stages
    4.  stages are isolated responses and non general pattern

8.            Learners display individual differences. So, a teacher should
    1. Provide a variety of learning experiences
    2.  enforce strict discipline
    3.  increase numbers of test
    4.  insist on uniform face of learning

9.            Which of the following is a psychological method of maintaining classroom discipline?
    1.  Avoiding corporal punishment and using motivational techniques
    2.  teaching according to the mental and physical level of children
    3.  regular feedback and reinforcement
    4.  all of the above

10.          Which one of the following statements is true of embryonic development?
    1.  All organs system essentially develop together
    2.  universally consistent sequences and sequential timing characterize organ system development
    3. the development of the organs and organ system and where is among embryo in both timing and sequence
    4.  only one development sequence, heart development during the fourth week, is consistent among embryo

11.          A disorder related to language comprehension is
    1.  Apraxia
    2.   Dyslexia
    3.    Aspeechxia
    4. Aphasia

12.           Gender discrimination In a classroom
    1.  does not affect the performance of the students
    2.  may lead to diminished effort or performance of a students
    3.  may lead to enhance effort or performance of the male students
    4.  is done more by the male teachers then their female counterparts

13.          Difficulty in recalling sequence of letters in words and frequent loss of visual memory is associated with
    1.   Dyslexia
    2.  Dyscalculia
    3.  Dysgraphia
    4.  Dyspraxia

14.           Children's notebook shows error in writing like reverse images, mirror imaging etc. Such a children is showing sign of
    1. Learning disadvantage
    2.  learning disability
    3.  learning difficulty
    4.  learning problem

15.          Students of disadvantaged group should be taught along with the normal student. It  implies
    1. Inclusive education
    2.  special education
    3.  integrated education
    4.  exclusive education
16.          For change in behaviour of students, most effective way is
    1.  good advice
    2.  physical punishment
    3.  eviction from home
    4.  regular award

17.           Which of the following is / are internal factors affecting the attention of the students?
    1. Nature of stimulus
    2.  repetition of stimulus
    3. Interest of learner
    4.  intensity and size of stimulus

18.          Which of the following statement about creativity is not correct?
    1.   Highly intelligent children creative one but vice versa is not correct
    2. They are very social in personal relations
    3.  they are Ricks loving, enthusiastic and dedicated to the pursuit of their own ideas
    4.  they are very sensitive to criticism

19.          Which of the following is not related to the other options?
    1.  Organising question answer sessions
    2.  taking feedback from Student on a topic
    3.  conducting quiz
    4.  modelling the skill of self-assessment

20.          Which of the following questions is correctly matched with its specific domain?
    1.  Could you group your: students on the basis of their achievement in mathematics?
    2.  What was the turning:  creating point in the cricket match telecast at last night?
    3.  Write down a new: application receipt to cook chicken by using herbs
    4.  determine which of the following: analysing given measures would most likely lead to achieve best results

21.          A teacher is connecting a text to a previously known text and showing children how to summarise it. She is
    1.  helping children to develop their own strategy to comprehend it
    2. Insinuating that there is no need to go through the entire text
    3. Reinforcing the importance of text from the assessment point of view
    4.  encouraging children to mug gift of us effectively as possible

22.          Which of the following factors supports learning in a classroom?
    1.  Increasing the number of texts to motivate children to learn
    2.  supporting the autonomy of children by the teachers
    3.  sticking to one particular method of instruction to maintain uniformity
    4.  increasing the time interval of period for 40 minutes 50 minutes

23.          Which one of the following is best suited for emotional development of children?
    1.  Democratic classroom environment
    2.  no involvement of the teachers as it is a task of the parents
    3.  controlled classroom environment
    4.  authoritarian classroom environment

24.          A teacher, label the head of the committee, as chairperson instead of chairman point it indicates that the teacher
    1.  follows a more acceptable terms
    2.  has a good command over language
    3.  is using a gender free language
    4.  has gender bias

25.          If students repeatedly make errors  during a lesson, a teacher should
    1. Make changes in construction, tasks, time table or seating arrangement
    2.  leave the lesson for the time being and come back to it after sometime
    3.  Identify, erring  Students and talk to principal about them
    4.  make erring students stand outside the classroom

26.           The emphasis from teaching to learning can be shifted by
    1.  adopting child centred pedagogy
    2.  encouraging rote learning
    3.  adopting frontal teaching
    4.  focusing on examination results

27.           A teacher never give answer to questions herself. She encourages her students to suggest answers, have group discussions and adapt collaborative learning. This approach is based on the principle of
    1. Proper organisation of instructional material
    2.  setting a good example and being a role model
    3.  readiness to learn
    4.  active participation

28.          “Learning includes acquisition and retention both”. Who said this?
    1.  Skinner
    2. Guilford
    3. Gait
    4. Crow and crow

29.          All  are the characteristics of learning except
    1.  learning is a progress of the organism
    2.  learning is a process related to educating environment
    3.  learning is the result of practice
    4.  learning reinforces further learning

30.          When a child response to all women who wear black suit because of the black suit of a mother it is the example of
    1.  Internal inhibition
    2.  Generalisation
    3.  Assimilation
    4.  All of  these

Answers :-
1.      2
2.      2
3.      3
4.      3
5.      2
6.      3
7.      1
8.      1
9.      4
10.  2
11.  4
12.  2
13.  1
14.  2
15.  1
16.  4
17.  3
18.  2
19.  4
20.  4
21.  1
22.  2
23.  1
24.  3
25.  1
26.  1
27.  4
28.  1
29.  2
30.  2

CTET most important question in child Development & pedagogy paper 1 CTET most important question in child Development  & pedagogy paper 1 Reviewed by Balram Biswas on 7:39 AM Rating: 5

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