The best way to prepare for CTET to score more than 130 marks

 How to prepare for CTET paper I

It’s now compulsory to clear CTET exam to become a teacher. The exam is conducted by the CBSE
There are two paper of CTET, paper 1 for class I to V and paper 2 for class VI to VIII
If you want to appear for the exam you are at the right place, this article will guide you to prepare for CTET exam in the best way so that you can clear the exam.
The following are the tips and tricks to prepare for the exam.

1.       Details of Subject wise preparation for the exam .
       There are five subject each carrying 30 marks. Take a look at the syllabus provided for the   ctet for paper I and start your preparation as follow

a.       English
 Most of the students ignore the passage while practising, but to score a high marks you must have enough practice of unseen passage so that you can manage the time in better way. The second important thing is the basic grammar portion of the English this will help you to score high marks

b.      Hindi
Same like English you should have a good practice of passage and the basic grammar of Hindi that are included in the NCERT books of primary classes

c.       EVS
In this subject the most important things is the NCERT books of class III to V.  Go through the details of the content alone with the pedagogical issues and the additional information related to the content is going to help you a lot.

d.      Maths
The first thing about the maths is don’t take the subject as a difficult subject.
Usually people get scared from the subject. Maths questions will be simple and you just need to clear the basic concept of maths. It will be of great help you could cover the parts of mensuration, number system, simple interest and compound interest, shape and geometry and profit and loss, pedagogical issues
Almost all the question will come from the above topic

e.      Child development Pedagogy and Psychology
This will cover 30 marks hence for this topic you have to study the books of education Psychology, most important study the child growth and development theory of  Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky. You may purchase some good books available in the market like lucent or J S Agaval its will cover all the details

2.       NCERT

Alone with the above preparation
You have to go through the NCERT book of respective paper. This point is first because you are going to became a teacher and you must know the contents of the NCERT

You have to go through all the subjects of class III to V, most importantly EVS is compulsory because almost all the questions come from the book itself and for English and Hindi you should go through the grammar portion

These are the books you have to go through which will help you to score around 60% to 70 % marks but it’s not all for high score you need to work on some other areas

3.       Reading Skill

The students those who applied for the exam but didn’t get success the reason behind their failure may be the Reading skill. Reading skill doesn’t mean that you can read the content fluently but you understand the matter at once.
In the exam you have only one minute time for a question to solve thus you don’t have much time to read the question twice to understand the matter.
You have to develop reading skill so that you need to read the question only once.

4.       Study the teacher’s guide  

If you study the NCERT books there are some teachers guide provide in the bottom of the page or sometime full page. Which usually people ignore, these guide will help you to understand how to deal with the student and their needs in all-round development
And these will help you to solve the questions of child development and pedagogy and other subject

           5.       Previous year question paper

After studying the above books you have to solve the previous year question papers that will provide you all the idea about the question paper and the pattern of CTET.
While solving the question sometime your question may be familiar to you  and you may answer the question at once and then you jump to next question.
Here is what you have to study that why the other three answer are not correct, if any term is new for you in that option then learn it that will help you to gather more information about the topic
For example
Which of the following makes a correct pair?
a.       Assam- Bihu
b.      Orissa – Bharatnatyam
c.       Tamil Nadu- Lavani
d.      Karnataka- Kathak
The answer of the question is simple you may just choose Assam - Bihu and jump to next question but don’t you feel that you should have some information why the  other pair is wrong and whats the correct pair of each of them.
While practicing the question if you use these idea then no one can stop you to achieve the highest marks

6.       Time management

There are 150 question and you have 150 minutes time, thus one minute time for each question to solve. Following are the tips to manage the time for exam
a.       Develop your reading skill so that you can answer the question very quickly
b.      Practice the unseen passage so that will also help you to manage the time
c.       Practice the model paper of ctet, set a timer for 150 minute and start to solve the paper at once as if you are writing ctet. After completion of the test you review the paper and try to detect the mistake and correct them. Solve as much practice paper as you can

d.      Preference to positivity
This tip is of great value if you are confused by some questions on some incident in the class
And all the options seems to be correct then you must go with the most positive answer in favour of students
Because now a days the education system has changed it’s the child centred education which means every things should be in their favour of growth and development
For example

Mistakes and errors made by students

a.       Are a wonderful opportunity to label children as “weak” or “outstanding”
b.      Are indicative of the failure of the teacher and the students
c.       Should be seen as opportunities to understand their thinking
d.      Should be severely dealt with

          In the above example the answer is “c” which is the most positive.

Hence always prefer the words live encouragement, creativity and divergent thinking etc and avoid the words like punishment, byheart, lecture and discourage etc.

         I can assure you that if you follow the tips you will definitely score more than 130 marks in  ctet
         Best of luck for the exam

The best way to prepare for CTET to score more than 130 marks The best way to prepare for CTET to score more than 130 marks Reviewed by Balram Biswas on 6:31 PM Rating: 5

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