Science Lesson plan of class VII

A teacher must plan his lesson before taking a class. This article will guide you to prepare a science lesson plan for middle school. Before we start our lesson plan, we must know a few things about the lesson plan.

What is a lesson plan?
science lesson plan
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The lesson plan is the planning of the teachers to present their topic in front of the children. The details plan of the lesson plan varies subject and topic-wise. The lesson plan has depends on the interest of children and the availability of goods.

the lesson plan is a teacher's guide, which he prepares for how he will present that lesson. While making a lesson plan, the teacher pays attention to what the children have to learn.

In addition to that, the teacher also keeps in mind the ability and knowledge of the student about the subject.

And the teacher also takes note of how he reaches his goal, what method should be used so that the children understand the topic.

Why the lesson plan is important?

a. Standard Teaching
importance of science lesson plan -Standard Tecahing
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The lesson plan is essential because, with the help of it, the teacher can maintain a standard of his teaching. He should keep his concentration on the topic without diverting away from the subject.

b. Prepare to solve students question

By doing a lesson plan, the teacher can prepare himself to question what the children in the class will ask. the teacher also plans which topics to teach and how to present them.

c. Plan aims and the objective of the topic
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It also helps a teacher to find out the goals and objectives of the topic and the method of teaching it. Moreover, the teacher can plan the activities that for the lesson,

d. Assessment to know the understanding of students

Teachers plan the evaluation to check whether the children have understood the topic clearly or some more attention is needed on the subject.

e. Save times
lesson plan saves time
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One of the most benefits of the lesson plan is that it saves time and completes its topic within a time frame. moreover, it plans to focus on the weaker students to improve their knowledge on the topic

What are the types of Lesson plans?

There are mainly two types of lesson plan:-

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This article includes the lesson plan for BEd science and a sample lesson plan for science. Let's proceed further to check the science lesson plans.

 Science Lesson plan of class VII

The following lesson plan is a sample lesson plan for science class on the topic Symbols of Electronic Components

Lesson plan 01

Subject : Science
Topic      :  Symbols of Electronic Components
Class      :  VII
Time      : 45 Minutes
Date       : 27th December 2019

Instructional Teaching Aids

General: Chalk, Blackboard, pointer
Specific: Battery, Bulb, Torch, Light

Instructional Objectives

      1. Students will be able to recognise the positive and negative terminals of a cell.
2. They will be able to recognise different electronic symbols used in a unit.
3. They will be able to make an electronic unit and draw a unit diagram.

Previous Knowledge Assessment

1.     Can you explain how the bulb glow?
2.     How can we turn the light ON and Off?
3.     Can you draw the symbols of switch and bulb

Announcement of Topic

The student today, we shall study the symbols of electronic components.


Cell or battery terminals 
The battery has two terminal positive and negative. In the symbols of the electric cell. The longer line represents the positive terminal and the thicker and shorter line represents  the negative terminals

Students observe the battery terminals.
Battery terminals positive and negative terminals
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How to make a battery with a cell
In these activities we need more than one cell. Here we have to connect positive terminals of one cell with the negative terminals of other cells. Such a combination of two or more cell is called battery.

A battery of two and four cells

Students will make or draw the connection of cell to form a battery.
Connecting two cells together t make a battery

battery case or battery holder

Symbols of the electric current component
Electric component symbols   
1.Electronic cell
2. Electronic bulb
3. switch in ON position
4. OFF position
credit NCERT
The student will discuss the application of the electric component.
Draw a circuit diagram
The circuit will be displayed and the circuit diagram of ON and OFF position will be explained
Credit NCERT

Students will draw the electric circuit.
Circuit diagram of electric circuit in switch off postition
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Circuit diagram of electric circuit in switch on position


1.       What is the difference between a cell and a battery?
       Explain the terminal of the cell
       Draw a circuit diagram which has 2 cell home Work


1.     Draw the symbols of the electric cell, electric bulb, and switch ON switch OFF Position.
2.     Draw the combination of three cells and indicate the positive and negative terminal. 

Science Lesson plan of class VII  Science Lesson plan of class VII Reviewed by Balram Biswas on 5:52 PM Rating: 5

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