10 Innovative Teaching Ideas- Students enjoy the most

A great teacher can impart knowledge to the students very quickly. The teacher becomes excellent when he uses the simplest languages and extraordinary technique of teaching. The superb method includes innovative teaching ideas.

In this article, we are going to discuss the 10 most creative and innovative teaching aids. Continue reading the article to know how the modern methods of teaching have changed the way of teaching the children.

1. Division Machine

It's a rumour among the students that maths is a tricky subject. The student feels that the maths is challenging, maybe because of the way of teaching the mathematic.

The division machine is a great teaching aid. It's used to teach division in a play-way method. The student learns the division very easily and quickly.

Moreover, it helps the student to create an interest in mathematics.  The students start loving the subject and start learning on their own.

Division machine - Innovative teaching Ideas

Material Required For Division Machine 

  • Strips of paper written numbers 1 to 20
  • Cardboard of size 1 meter by a half meter.
  • 12 paper cups
  • 20 icecream stick 
  •  some wax colour to colour the teaching aid 

Setup of Division Machine

  1. Arrange the numbers strip 1 to 20  on the left side of the cardboard, as shown in the picture. 
  2. On the right side, paste the cups and number them 1 to 8.
  3. In the middle of the board paste for four cups, each for quotient, problem box, reminder, and the last Cup to hold the icecream stick.

Division machine - Innovative teaching Ideas

How does the Division Machine Work?

  1. Take a  question from the problem box and try to solve using the division machine. For example, we have taken 8/4=?.
  2. As we know, the division is  Sharing or splitting the things into equal groups or parts. As we have chosen the question 8/4. We have to pick up the eight sticks and place the eight stick alone the numbers as shown in the picture.
  3. In this step, we have to explain the concept to the student that division is splitting things in the group. Ask the students to take 4 sticks each time and place them in the quotient cup at the right side. 
  4. Observe the number of groups in the quotient cups placed at the right side. In this case, we can find there are two groups of four. Hence the quotient of the division is 2.
  5.  In the last step, we can write the answer to the problem.

The Benefits of Division Machine

  • The teaching aid helps the student to learn the division very quickly.
  • It is a zero investment teaching aid. You need no money to create the teaching aid.
  • The student develops the concept of division. 
  • It's an activity-based teaching aid.

2. Multiplication Wheel- Innovative Teaching Ideas

Multiplication wheel is an innovative teaching idea to teach the multiplication in a play-way method. The students find the teaching eight very interesting and learn the multiplication table quickly.

Multiplication Wheel- Innovative Teaching Ideas

Material required to make multiplication wheel

  • Two-piece of cardboard cutout in a circular shape of different size as shown in the picture.
  • A small thumb pin to hold the two cardboard together at the centre.
  •  Some wax colour to colour the teaching aid. 

Setup of multiplication wheel

  1. Divide the bigger cardboard into 12 equal pieces and number the parts with 1 to 12.
  2. On the handle of the smaller cardboard, write the number for the table. For example, you are making the multiplication wheel of Table 5, so write the number 5 at the handle.
  3. Write the answer to the table on the bigger cardboard. This answer should be covered by the small cardboard over it.
  4. Use the thumb pin to hold the two cardboard together at the centre. 

 How Does Multiplication Wheel Work?

  1. Rotate the smaller cardboard by holding the handle of the smaller cardboard.
  2. One each step the student will find the answer of the multiplication.  For example,  5x6= 30.

The Benefit of this Innovative Teaching Ideas

  • It's a zero-cost teaching aid. You need no money to create the teaching aid.
  •  It's an activity-based teaching aid. 
  •  It helps the student to learn multiplication in an interesting.
  •  The teaching eight can be applicable for all the multiplication tables.
  • On the multiplication wheel of 5, you can also teach the time and the minutes.

3. Number wheel- Innovative Teaching Ideas

This teaching aid is beneficial for a small kid.  The kids can learn very quickly from 1 to 99. It's an activity-based and innovative teaching idea that student will enjoy learning the numbers.

With the help of these number wheel, you can develop interest among the children to make maths as a favourite subject.

Number wheel- Innovative Teaching Ideas

Material Required for Number Wheel

  • A cardboard cut into the shape of fish with two holes on it.
  •  Two circular cardboard of equal size
  • One bigger cardboard to hold the two circular cardboard and the fish.
  • Thumb pin to hold the circular cardboard. 
  • Two sets of number strip 0 to 9.
  • Some wax colour to colour the teaching aid 

Setup of the Number Wheel.

  1.  Paste the number strip 1 to 9 along the circumference of each circular cardboard.
  2. Now fix the circular cardboard on the bigger cardboard as shown in the picture.
  3. After that place, the fish above the two circular cardboard as shown in the image.
  4. Fix the fish at the centre of both the cardboard in such a way that two square holes should show the numbers. 
Number wheel- Innovative Teaching Ideas

How does the number wheel work?

  1.  Ask the student to rotate the wheels.
  2.  Now allow the student to read the number on the fish.
  3.  You can also ask the student to find the numbers. The student will rotate the wheels to see the exact number on the fish.  For example, the teacher said to write 35. Hence the student will see the number 77 as shown in the picture.

The education system is now moving towards the digital system. Hence it's a great practice to include a projector for your classroom for teaching. Have a look at the [10 Tips]- How to choose the best projector for your class. Moreover, we have the collection of the best 6 projectors under 10,000, which provides excellent performance in the budget.

The benefit of the number wheel

  • It's an activity-based teaching aid
  •  the teacher needs no money  to create the teaching eight
  •  the student will learn the numbers in a play-way method.
  • Teaching aid applies to the vast numbers from 0 to 99

4. Wheel Of Days

 this is a fantastic teaching aid to teach the days to the smaller kids.  Few students find it challenging to learn today or tomorrow or yesterday.

With the help of these innovative teaching ideas, you can teach all the days. The student will learn the concept of today tomorrow and yesterday with teaching aid. Its activity-based teaching at the students will find it interesting.

Wheel Of Days- Innovative teaching Ideas

The material required to make The Wheels of days

  • Cardboard of the size 20 x 20 centimetres to hold that teaching aid.
  • Circular cardboard divided into 7 part.
  •  A paper strip with the days, today tomorrow and yesterday.
  •  Some wax colour to colour the teaching aid.

Setup of the Innovative teaching Ideas

  1.  Place the circular cardboard on the bigger cardboard, as shown in the picture.
  2.  Paste the paper strip of the days on the parts of the circular cardboard.
  3.  Paste the pieces written tomorrow, today and yesterday on the bigger cardboard as shown in the picture. 

The working of The Wheels of days.

  1. Ask the student to rotate The Wheels of the days. 
  2. allow the student to read the days pointing towards the strip" today."
  3. Ask the student to read the days tomorrow and yesterday.
  4. Besides this, you can ask such questions like, if today is Sunday then what will be tomorrow.

The benefit of the wheels of days

  • It's an activity-based teaching aid.
  • The student develops the concept of days of the week and today, tomorrow and yesterday
  • students develop concrete memories on the days of the week.

To make your class a productive and exciting environment, you must prepare a lesson plan for the topic. So it's highly recommended to develop a lesson plan.

5. Game of opposite words 

Usually, the kids find it challenging to understand the Opposite words, but if you use this teaching aid, it will be a great help for the student to learn the Opposite words.  The best part of this teaching aid is that it is made up of zero cost.

 This teaching consists of Opposite words written in the card and they have to place them side by side in the holes made on the board.

Game of opposite words

Material required to make the games of Opposite words

  • Cardboard To hold the stick.
  • Few icecreams stick to hold the words
  • Small square cards to write the opposite name.

Setup of the teaching aid

  1. Fix the ice cream stick with the square cardboard.
  2. Write the words on the square cardboard
  3. Make two holes in a row in the bigger cardboard to hold ice cream stick

How does the game of Opposite words work?

  1.  The cardboards of Opposite words should be placed randomly in front of the students. 
  2. The teacher should ask the student to find the correct match of the opposite word and place them in the hole made on the cardboard.
  3. The student will try to find the Opposite words and insert the small flag into the hole, as shown in the picture. 
  4. This teaching will develop the ability to arrange and organize things.
  5. Besides, The best part is the activity-based teaching aid. Students will enjoy playing the games and learn the  Opposite words.

The benefit of games of Opposite words 

  • It is an activity-based teaching aid.
  • Moreover kids and zero investment teaching aids you need no money to make the teaching aid
  •  the students from the concrete memory of the Opposite words

Have you ever faced the difficulties while teaching the place value to the students? Watch the following fantastic teaching idea that will definitely surprise you.

6. Colour game- Teaching Aids

Some students may find it difficult to learn colours. This teaching aid we are sure that nobody will find it challenging to learn the colours.

Moreover, it is an activity-based teaching aid that will help the student to stay connected with the subject.

Colour game- Teaching Aids

The material required for colour game teaching aids

  • Cardboard for the platform of teaching aids
  •  Some PleaseSmall piece Cardboard for writing the colours and the drawing animals.
  • Icecream stick to hold the flag cardboard.

Setup of  the teaching ideas

  1. On the bigger cardboard make two rows of the whole for the ice cream stick
  2.  place the coloured animal cardboard on the second row of the cardboard.
  3. Keep the cardboard with colour names out of the board. 

How does the teaching Idea works

  1.  On the board, the coloured animal or birds will be placed on the second row.
  2.   Ask the student to find the correct colour match of the coloured animal.
  3. now place the colour cardboard beside the coloured animal

The benefit of the teaching idea

  • It is an activity-based teaching aid so the student will enjoy learning the topics.
  • It is zero investment teaching aid, hence you need no money to make the teaching aid. 
  • Students will develop concrete memory about the colours
  • Teachers may ask the student to learn the spelling of the colours. 

7. Alphabet Games Teaching Aids

There are some kids who find it difficult to learn the alphabet.  This teaching aid is going to be a great relief for the teacher who is dealing with such students.

With the help of these innovative teaching ideas, the student will learn the alphabet very easily and quickly. Moreover, the student won't find it is a difficult subject to learn because it's based on the Play Way method.
Alphabet Games Teaching Aids

Material required to make alphabet games

  • Collect some disposal glass.
  • The strip of paper with alphabets.
  • Glue to paste the paper strip.
  • Wax colour to colour the glasses.

 Setup of the teaching aid

  1. Paste the alphabet strip behind the glass.
  2. Colour the vowel alphabets.

How does the alphabet game work

  1. The teacher may ask the student to arrange the alphabets in order
  2.  The students may play with the vowel alphabet.
  3.  The teacher may ask the student to form the two alphabet words like to, on, go on etc.

The benefit of the teaching idea

  • It's an activity-based teaching aids student will enjoy  learning the alphabets
  • They can learn the two-letter words.
  • Moreover, it's the best teaching aid to teach vowels.

8. Game of Word

This is one of the best innovative teaching ideas for increasing the vocabulary among the students.
Besides that, it's a zero investment teaching aid, so you need not invest any amount to make the teaching aid.  the teacher may ask the student, to create such teaching aids and exchange with other friends
Game of Word

Material required to make the teaching aids

  • Some white paper to write the words
  • scissor  to cut the paper into pieces 

Set up the teaching aids

  1. Write the words that have multiple words inside it on the white paper
  2. Now repeat the above word in another article, till you finish all the names you find in it.
  3. Now fix together all the white papers with the word
  4. Cut the alphabets into the strip from one side.

Working of games of word

  1.  The teaching aid consists of Strips of paper joined together, as shown in the picture.
  2.  The teacher will ask the student to find the word from the strips of paper. For example, "Stable" has 'table' and 'able' in it.
  3. The student will rise the strip one by one to find the new words from a single word.

The benefit of the games of word

  • This teaching idea is an activity-based teaching method that helps engage the student to learn
  •  Moreover,  it is zero cost teaching aid hence there is no need to invest money to create the teaching aid.
  • The teaching Idea will help the teacher to develop the vocabulary of the student.

9. Expression Card-Innovative teaching Ideas 

This is one of the fantastic ideas to fill the class with energy. In this card, the teacher will create different expression cards like angry, sad happy.

The students will wear these expression cards on their faces. It is a play-way method of teaching English.

 Moreover, the students will enjoy wearing the face mask on their face and Express themselves.
These innovative teaching ideas develop a concrete memory of the expression.

Expression Card-Innovative teaching Ideas

Things you need to  make the expression card

  •  you can use some art paper or waste paper or some cardboard
  •  Some thread to tie the face mask on their head.
  • Some colours to colour the faces. 

Set up of  the expression card

  1.  design expression on the cardboard like happy or sad
  2.   that cut out that expression 
  3. Attach the thread with the cardboard so that the student can wear on their face

How to use the expression card in the class

The teacher can teach the student to wear the expression card on their face. And this expression card will help up the student to know the real meaning of the expression.

For example, some students were the expression card of happiness. Hence it means the student is delighted.  and the student can shout out loudly that "I am happy because my father is going to gift me a bicycle."

The benefit of the expression card

  • Students will develop the concrete memory of the expression.
  •  it's and play-way method of teaching the subject to the student
  •  the teaching aid is so simple that even a student can make their own expression
  •  It is the Zero investment teaching aid hence no need to invest any money to make the teaching aid.

10. Fraction wheel

It is one of the best teaching aids to teach fractions to the student. The best part of this teaching aid is that you can ask your student to Make the teaching aid.

Students will play with the teaching aid and learn the fraction in the easiest method. It's a zero investment teaching aid you can make this aid out of the waste paper.

Fraction wheel

Material for making fraction wheel.

  • Some art paper or waste paper to prepare two circles.
  • Some colour to colour the fraction wheel.
  •  Scissor to cut the art paper.

Setup of fraction wheel

  • Divide each circle  into 8 equal part
  • Use the scissor to cut one radius of each circle, so that the rings can intersect at the centre.
  • Now insert the two circles into each other so that they have the same centre.

Working of the fraction wheel

The student will rotate the fraction circle to know the fraction of the colour part, as shown in the picture. Moreover, The teacher can teach an equivalent fraction to the students.

In the case of an equivalent fraction, the teacher has to make two different sets of fraction wheels. The circle should be divided according to present the equivalent fractions.

The benefit of the fraction wheel

  • Its zero investment teaching aid, hence no need to invest any amount to make this teaching aid
  • Student can make the teaching aid by their own
  •  the teaching gives at the concrete idea about the fraction 


All the teaching aids mentioned above are Zero investment teaching aid. You can use these innovative teaching ideas according to the needs of your class.

If you like the article, please comment below, and if you have any better teaching idea that is effective for the class, please suggest us.
10 Innovative Teaching Ideas- Students enjoy the most 10 Innovative Teaching Ideas- Students enjoy the most Reviewed by Balram Biswas on 9:09 AM Rating: 5

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