About US

Studylight.in is our dream project and we have started our journey to help those student who wants to build their career. We discuss about the the latest information and career opertunity in the field of education. We will guide to crack the exam your are going to attempt. Studylight deals with the subject and make the topic much easier for you to learn the concepts.

Balram Biswas

Balram Biswas - founder of 158gadget.in- about 158gadget.in
Founder of Studylight.in
He has been working as a Teacher at Andaman and Nicobar Islands since 2007.
Moreover, he is working as a teacher and love being with the students. He enjoy every bit of the time that he spends with the kids..

Apart from this, he does web designing and he is working on 158gadget  that is based on technology and he loves to write the blog.

His hobby is to play badminton and he plays the game for 2 hours every day.
Near GSS Pinakinagar
North and Middle Andaman
Pin: 744201
Email: 158morningwishes@gmail.com
About US About US Reviewed by Balram Biswas on 7:02 PM Rating: 5

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